Information Technology Services

Just when you think they can’t get any more conniving, hackers have started using Google Docs for phishing.

If you receive an invitation to collaborate on a Google Doc that you aren’t expecting, especially by someone you don’t know, be cautious. You could be opening a document that has malware links in it or is designed to trick you into providing passwords and other sensitive information. 

Protect yourself. Look for signs of phishing when reviewing a Google Doc invitation. 

  • Is there a sense of urgency?
  • Is it from someone you know?
  • Is it from someone outside of our organization?

To report phishing attempts or that you have been a phishing victim, forward the message to [email protected].  

Here is an example of Phishing with Google Docs:

If you need help with an information security issue, submit a 6-TECH ticket, call (336) 256-TECH (8324), or email [email protected].