Information Technology Services

A Piedmont area church lost $793,000 to an internet scam. The church received an email from the building company that included a bill for payment. Immediately after that message, another email containing the invoice details and further payment instructions arrived. The second email was a very well-crafted scam that took the church for $793,000.

Scammers often do their research and wait for the perfect time to attack. 

Keep yourself safe:

  • Verify the sender. Who really sent the email? Pay close attention to the sender’s email address. Does it look right? Call the vendor with a number you were provided when the agreement was made for the service or product to verify that the email was from them.  
  • Verify large invoices and payment instructions. While on the phone with the vendor, ensure you have the correct information to pay.
  • Protect private account information. Never share your account information over email. 

The FTC has more information on Wire Transfer and Fake Check scams

To report phishing attempts, spam, or that you have become a phishing victim while using a UNCG account, forward the message to [email protected].  

If you need help with an information security issue, contact 6-TECH at (336) 256-TECH (8324) or [email protected].