Information Technology Services

In this fast paced world of ever-changing technologies, we must protect our information technology (IT) and our data.

If You Connect, You Must Protect

If a device is connected to the internet, it must be protected. Make sure the security software, web browser, and device’s operating systems are up-to-date. Check out this informative article on 5 reasons why general software updates and patches are important presented by Norton.

Stay Protected While Connected

WiFi connection is so pervasive that it’s easy to assume anonymity and safety on a public connection. Unfortunately, nothing is furthest from the truth. From data thieves who set up twin WiFi access points to capture someone’s data through their access point, to hackers who access devices through file sharing, connecting publicly is a precarious proposition.

Digital Information World’s infographic illustrates how to stay safe when using public WiFi.

Collect It, Protect It

If a company or school collects your personal data, make sure you know how they protect it.

Let’s use UNCG as an example. Our students, faculty, and staff are involved in research. With that research comes the responsibility to keep information, especially personally identifiable information (PII), as safe as possible.

HIPAA and FERPA laws were created to help keep people’s medical and educational data safe.  Failure to follow these policies have serious consequences for both the University and our researchers. The security that these policies enact help to prevent data breaches which carry hefty fines, erode trust, and tarnish reputations. UNCG’s security technologists use trusted digital resources to protect data and keep UNCG HIPAA- and FERPA-compliant.

Comprehensive information about UNCG’s data storage requirements and other security measures is available to in the 6-TECH Knowledge Base.