Information Technology Services

Imagine a tiny square holding a secret message… except sometimes, that message is more “evil villain’s lair” than “hidden treasure.” Quick Response (QR) codes are super handy and can lead you to cool websites, menus, and more. But just like any adventure, there can be traps.  Be a QR code hero! Follow these tips:  Beware [Read More]

Holiday scams are unfortunately common, as reported in a recent AARP survey. Here are some key takeaways from the survey and some tips to protect yourself:   🎄Be a smart giver: Ever received a suspicious donation request? You’re not alone — 39% of us have been there. 🎁 Stick to charities you know and love, or [Read More]

Phishing is their game, using fake emails, social media posts, or direct messages to lure you into clicking slimy links, coughing up sensitive info, or downloading dodgy attachments with the promise of juicy catches. If you take the bait and click the deceitful link, you might find your personal information swimming in treacherous waters.  Spot [Read More]

Make it automatic. Most reputable software companies offer the convenience of automatic updates for their products, with reminders when updates are available. If automatic updates aren’t available, set a quarterly reminder to manually check for updates. Get it from the source. When downloading a software update, ensure it’s from the official company that created it. [Read More]

Create strong, memorable passwords by using lengthy and complex passphrases. Passwords should be:  Long – Ensure every password is a minimum of 14 characters long. Unique – Never reuse passwords across different accounts. That way if one account is compromised, the others remain secure.  Complex – Create each unique password using a mix of uppercase [Read More]