Information Technology Services

When criminals go phishing, you don’t have to take the bait. See it, so you don’t click it. Phishing is when criminals use emails to lure you into clicking on malicious content and handing over your personal information or installing malware on your device. It’s easy to avoid a scam email once you know what [Read More]

One of the easiest ways to keep your information secure is to keep your software and apps updated.   Update often. Software updates provide security patches to keep your applications and data secure. Always keeping your software updated is an easy way to stay a step ahead of cybercriminals. Get it from the source. When [Read More]

Stay safe online with this year’s four basic cybersecurity behaviors that will set you up for success. A solid first step is using strong passwords and a password manager.  Data source: PC Mag https://www.pcmag.com/news/average-us-internet-user-is-locked-out-of-10-accounts-per-month   Strong passwords can be long or complex (ITS recommends ways to use passphrases to create a strong password). And cybersecurity [Read More]

Multi-factor authentication, or MFA, is a security measure that requires anyone logging into an account to prove their identity with a two-step process. It makes it twice as hard for criminals to access an online account. Using MFA with your online accounts is one of the most important things you can do to stay safe [Read More]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global effort to help everyone stay safe when using technology, whenever and however you connect. This year’s theme is “It’s easy to stay safe online.” Throughout the month, Information Technology Services (ITS) will be sharing information about four basic cybersecurity behaviors that anyone can practice to take control of [Read More]